Mirror Selfie by Zero Bytes Foundation

With the advancements in technology, the evolution of smartphones, and the improvement of rear cameras, a new type of photograph has made its way into our lives: the mirror selfie. This not only changed the type of photo but also influenced the poses reflected in it. Now, all mirror selfies look alike, with only the faces changing.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna shot her own mirror selfie in 1913. The picture,taken five years before she was killed, shows a young woman of 13 looking herself in the eye, stabilizing the camera on a chair in front of a mirror.

When examining the evolution of mirror selfies from the perspective of societal beauty standards and stereotypical poses in the modern world, it becomes apparent how deeply ingrained these influences are. Mirror selfies often reflect and reinforce conventional notions of attractiveness, perpetuating narrow ideals of beauty that can be restrictive and exclusionary.

This is how modern mirror selfies look like. Actually, we have many samples we have collected. Yes, many. And most selfies have the same pose but different bodies. Can we talk about the fact that our mobile phones and social media have introduced these poses into our lives and have made it the rule of taking mirror selfies?

In today's image-driven culture, mirror selfies often portray an idealized version of oneself that aligns with mainstream standards of attractiveness. People may feel compelled to adopt certain facial expressions, body postures, or angles that they perceive as more aesthetically pleasing or socially desirable.

Consequently, this can create a sense of pressure to conform to predetermined ideals of beauty, as individuals strive to emulate the popular poses they see in mirror selfies shared by influencers and celebrities.

Moreover, the repetitive nature of mirror selfies can contribute to the homogenization of appearances. As people mimic commonly seen poses, the uniqueness and individuality that initially attracted individuals to mirror selfies may become diluted. This phenomenon reinforces the notion that beauty is often measured by how closely one adheres to established norms, rather than celebrating diverse expressions of self.

However, it's important to note that not all mirror selfies adhere to these patterns, and some individuals use this medium to challenge societal beauty standards or subvert expectations. They may intentionally deviate from stereotypical poses, embracing their own distinctive features, flaws, and unconventional expressions.

In summary, mirror selfies in the modern world exist within a complex landscape of societal beauty standards and stereotypical poses.

While they offer a platform for self-expression, they can also perpetuate the pressure to conform to predetermined ideals and contribute to a homogenization of appearances. However, individuals also have the power to reclaim mirror selfies as a means of challenging norms and celebrating their unique identities.

“Mirror Selfie” is one of the experiments of Zero Bytes Foundation. We are a group of creators, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of interdisciplinary collaboration for design and media.

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